LIVING was established in 2017 as a WING business specialising in residential developments. With the delivery of its 1,000th apartment, it has reached a major milestone this year. LIVING’s core value is to minimise environmental and traffic impact. To achieve this, the company chooses locations carefully and makes its developments sustainable. These values are integral parts of all its developments: the total number of LIVING apartments delivered since the company was established and that are currently under development is close to 2,000, with more than 1,400 apartments already sold.
Excellent transport infrastructure – both public transport and for cars – is also a key factor for LIVING in all its residential development projects. The residential parks both completed and under development are located in popular yet quiet parts of the 13th district, close to the office corridor on Váci út and a variety of connected services. In addition, LIVING's short term ambition is to launch projects in other districts, thus expanding its existing residential offer.